Boomerang X makes a cool weapon even cooler

It may be the best boomerang game in the first person I have ever played. Certainly, it may also be the first one I played, but the subgenus begins very strong. There is no fat on this thing. You wake up on an island, discover the weapon in question and you put at work. The world is full of things that need to be rows, and you do it. No, this item does not have an intro, and it does not need it! I mean, boomerang x certainly did not do it. You may think that a rang seems to be a clumsy weapon to use constantly. Well, the first power you get is the power to remind you.

This is the first sign you get that the levels will evolve quickly. At first, you are at the mercy of the weapon, avoiding enemies until it finds you. Suddenly, you jostle this thing seven times in a row, shred with pieces full of wicked with a blast ease. From there, each power is only adding chaos. Soon, you search every step as much as the boomerang. Levels become difficult, but you become more difficult. By the time you unlock the idle, the floor is mainly a suggestion that you do not know while you have rang your enemies in oblivion.


My time with Boomerang X did not totally miss history. Beyond the bribes of knowledge offered by useful NPCs, the environment tells a whole story of its own. The scattered wreck, the aggregated bodies and even your bandaged hands suggest secrets to discover. With a game like this, so focused on high speed action, it makes sense to keep the story in the background. The few moments of stopping can be wondered about the cataclysmic events that preceded your arrival. In fact, the space between each explosion of violent frenzy is quite peaceful.

Not only does your combat skills improve regularly, but your vitality is also. I know it seems obvious that it would happen in a video game, but the Devolver digital action titles are not known for their indulgent and soft design. The fact that you can be touched more than once in a melee action game at the first person deserves serious praise. The fights compensate for it by being several waves, but still! At least, when you cross a step at 100 miles on time and you rub the tab of a spider, it is not instantaneously fatal. Having the best boomerang of history if you feel like a total power plant, not like a glass lover.

One thing I was not crazy was the lack of music in the exploration sections. This is rooted in deep personal prejudices, but the music is so good to create an atmosphere. I understand the reason for his absence while you walk in these beautiful ruins, but I still miss! Silence can also be scary, but you can not go wrong with a haunting and discordant melody. Beyond silent sections, I struggled to detect many flaws. It turns out that when you create such a lean game, there is little room for cartilage. To be clear, there is music while you fight! It is a set of almost unconscious rhythms that associate with the action to raise your heart rate and keep you properly connected. I just like a little more rhythmic accompaniment while I walk through the hollow bones of a broken world.

It's a convincing and well-balanced game. You have come curious about cryptic narrative indices. You do not waste time at all to access Boomerang bits, which are all part of the game. The new powers are added smoothly and regularly. In addition, the movements themselves are very fun. I can not wait to see what the final product looks like. What new powers will be added? What kind of haunted and peaceful biomes can you explore? We will learn all this and more when Boomerang X will be launched later this year.


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