WoW Patch 9.2: Illuminated call by campaign

If you want to use in Wow Patch 9.2 at the time of the option on a second legendary , you have to farm in the new faction of the lit neat call farms . While it is enough if you reach a respectful reputation to unlock the Item Memory of Unity - but that still takes its time. How many days you needed for it, was not quite clear because the developers have recently adapted the call points that you may collect through quests of the campaign, world quests, and rare mobs. But now there is an update that creates clarity.

Rufgrind takes pretty long despite campaign

After we have recently declared you how many call points can collect your by farming the rare opponents in Zereth Mortis , the DataMiners of WOWHEAD have now made the campaign from the end of eternity. According to your list, you get the following quantities of call points if you conclude the quests of the Campaign of Patch 9.2:

  • Chapters 1, 2 and 3 (available in week 1) grant a total of 2,100 call points.
  • For Chapter 4 (available in week 2) you will receive 450 call points.
  • The conclusion of Chapter 5 (Available in Week 3), Chapter 6 (Available in Week 4) and Chapter 7 (Available in Week 5) Provide 500 call points each, ie a total of 1,500 call points in the enlightened.

If you conclude all chapters of the Campaign of Patch 9.2, you will get at the earliest five weeks after the release of the update in the sum 4,050 call points. But how long does it take now to unlock the individual call levels in the enlightened including the respective call rewards? That too have calculated the DataMiners.

Call Level xTag X ??

Let us assume that you kill a total of 20 of the 29 available rare opponents of Zereth Mortis a total of Zereth Mortis, which bite the World Boss Antros into the grass once a week, the Campaign of Patch 9.2 concludes every day all available world quests and around you twice a week The Quest Patterns Within Patterns takes care of your way for glory to agree with the enlightened as follows:

  • Call level soother: 10 days
  • Call Level Respectful: 25 days
  • Call Level Awesome: 55 days
  • Paragon Rewards: After reaching call level awesome another 15 days per paragon chest

SHADOWLANDS! PATCH 9.2 WHEN BLIZZ? NEW PTR UPDATES!! - WoW: Shadowlands 9.1.5 (Livestream)

Incidentally, this calculation does not take into account the reputation that she has randomly obtained from daily quests. If you play a human character, you also benefit from its diplomacy bonus. You see: It takes a long time until you have achieved a respectful, let alone awesome call at the enlightened. We therefore want to know from you: Does the Grind take too long? Or are you satisfied with how he is? Write us your opinion in the comments!

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